Thursday 12 April 2012

Anatomical Arm Study

With this piece I was studying an anatomical view of the arm, piecing together the muscle groups. I then Abstracted the muscle fibers into an Art Nouveau inspired pattern. I'm in the process in creating my own unique pattern work inspired by anatomy.

Final Major Project - Review

So far I feel I have explored the structure of the Skull and learnt some new bones and muscles along with there Latin names. I've Carried out various sketches of a synthetic skull in a variety of angles so I became familiar with the shape. I've also researched the muscle groups of the face through the medically accurate illustrations by Albinus, an 18th century Anatomist. This research has allowed me to see how these different biological systems interact. Through portraits I was able to identity where the muscles showed through on the exterior skin and identity key features.

Looking at my self portraits I feel there's room for improvement. I've over compensated with adding shadows which weren't there, I feel I now need to experiment with different lighting conditions. Also I realized when proportions are out the slightest how this can off set the realism in the piece.

Looking over my work I feel I'm now ready to start being more experimental in particular with materials. In this next stage I'm going to start exploring patterns I can make through Anatomical studies and carry out further portraits keeping in mind to try out different lighting.