Wednesday 21 September 2011

Photography HW. Pictures from local area

I captured this image because of the lightness of the blue sky which I felt went well with the hoop. You get a sense of the height.

This is an old pump in my area, it's been in Greenhill ever since i moved, so 10 years. I like it because it's old and primitive compared to modern amenities.

Again here I wanted to capture the height of this tower.

The bright sunshine seems to cast over this church. White light is often referenced with religious art pieces.

This shadow is casted from a lamp post. I liked the shape it created. It reminded me of a scene in the film 'A nightmare before Christmas' where Jack has to choose a door which is in - bodied on the tree.

I took this photo because I felt the branches contrasted well with the bright sunshine above.

This tower interested me. It reminds me of the radio towers you get at airports. In the background there is also a streak of turbulence in the sky left from an airplane which goes well with the main focus.

 The house looked derelict so I took the photo which gave the prospective it's been viewed from an outsider. You can interpretate anyway you want.
An abandoned rope swing. Here tbh I didn't quite capture the drop underneath the swing.

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