Monday 19 December 2011

Development Drawing, week 2 Review

During the second week we focused on developing outcomes using our observational drawings. I found this week of development very exciting as I got to use many of my drawings and add my own creative style and touch to them. I found experimenting with different compositions and images very interesting and found I was creating my own concepts. Many images gave great potential for juxtaposition and humour.

I used various materials such as brusho, tracing paper, Indian Ink, and photocopying techniques. I really enjoyed using the photocopier as it added many elements to my pieces. It gave me the ability to use symmetry and repetition  which could be used as pattern work. I also created wire mekets based on our observational drawings. I found this challenging in some ways as I had to work more loosely and simplify my designs.

I did find that later in the week that I was lacking in architectural and drawings of objects in my sketchbook. I feel this was because I focused mainly on portraits as I wanted to improve in the area that I was weak in. I felt if I did have more drawings of objects I would of had greater scope to combine image with text and to create scenes. Objects also could of added more possibilities for pattern backgrounds and texture.

I did struggle in meeting all the targets and this was due to my time management. I feel I can achieve much more, and have a lot more potential. I do feel the quality of my outcomes are to a good standard. The actions I am going to take will be;

  •  Create a timetable 
  • Set daily goals
  • regularly Confer with teacher with progress
  • I've made the decision to stop playing basketball at Mens Division three level in order to focus and succeed with this art course.

 With the limited time I had to produce the work I feel my sketchbook is lacking development work and annotations on processes. For future projects I will have a work sketchbook which runs parallel to my outcome sketchbook which communicates my thought and processes to the work I create. 


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