Thursday 10 May 2012

F.M.P. review

Since my last blog post I have gained primary source photos. I used the photography studio taking portrait shots changing the angles of the stage lights to bring out strong facial features and contrasting shadows. I was inspired to do this through the work of Gabriel Moreno. he finds inspiration from the shapes of the body. Also I feel these photos will allow me to develop pattern from defining features.  

I've looked at the anatomical illustrations of Sarah Simblet, her anatomical illustrations have great detail and a style which has a use of continuous line. I created an anatomical view of the arm and studied the shapes making comparisons to Art Nouveau. I then began to develop patterns from this source.

When developing my pattern work adapted from anatomy I over complicated the designs at first. I added to many lines and clustered the image. When I started to simplify the imagery the pattern work seemed to flow more, I started to find a balance. This then lead on to me creating a very unique portrait inspired from my Mood Board 1, containing an anatomical illustration of a head. The pattern work seemed to flow more with a sinuosity of line when applied to organic shapes. 

I now plan to take colour studies of raw meat to help inform what colours to use. I also want to explore more how nature can inspire pattern.

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