Saturday 19 May 2012

Self Critique
            From looking at my work with fresh eyes and keeping the marking criteria in mind I feel I could include research from a broader range of contexts. I do feel my research is wide ranging and in depth with for example my use of PE texts books which informed my exploration into ossification and collage, but it could be broader in the sense of looking beyond Art Nouveau, and anatomy to inspire new pieces.
            One area I feel I could research more into is graffiti along with the materials used such as spray paint and stencils. Also I could look into different artists which use line work and colour in different ways. I have carried out observational drawings of portraits but I could explore them more by using them more loosely. I think because Art Nouveau has been a main source of inspiration my artwork has been very concise.  I think now would be a good time to start using a variety of media.   

Aims and Objectives
  • Research into ‘Frank Stella,’ an artist giving to me by my tutor who uses line work and colour in a different ways
  • Look into using spray paint and stencil techniques with my portraiture
  • Carry out more thorough research into the patterns of nature
  • Work more loosely

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