Sunday 27 November 2011

My Life In 4 Objects : Childhood Object

Sega Mater System II 

My Sega Master system II was manufactured in China. It was released by Sega around 1990.

The Sega Master system is a gaming console which uses the old cartridge format for video games. During the late 1980's and 1990's Sega was  commercially at war with Nintendo. They constantly released new console models and games in order to steal the market.

My Sega Master System II was basically a redesign of the Sega Master System. Mainly a cosmetic one it was striped down of several features and made more affordable. It was also created to counter Nintendo new game release Super Mario Bros.

Cultural Significance 

My Sega Master System II was the first console I ever received. I was around eight years when I was given to me by my parents. As a child I was overly obsessed about the games console and spent many hours playing it and collecting games. Sometimes as a treat my parents would buy me a game but the cartridges were really rare. I think this what made me love it more as you would have to browse charity shops and small market stalls to get your hands on the retro cartridges. I have many fond memory of bonding with my dad through playing Sega and  whooping him on the occasional game. Sometimes my dad would get more addicted then me!  

Future Portent 

I think as a game console the future significance this object holds for me is that I will be playing games when I'm older as it's a general interest of mine. I think also that it will also still play a part in my social life as I play Xbox now and again to have a laugh with my friends. I'm now deciding to choose Illustration at college and the concept art of games is something I'm thinking about looking into. I like the Idea of creating your own world for others to explore.  


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