Sunday 27 November 2011

My Life In 4 Objects : Late Teenage Object

U18's Arrows Basketball team - Received medal

This medal was given to me by my coach at the end of the 2010 season. I was very happy to receive it because it showed the appreciation from my coach for the effort and commitment I put in that year. Also it represents a very significant part of my life. 

We were a winning side straight from the start and this was to be my first and only year with this team as I would have to move up to Menes level next year. As we progressed in the year and kept our winning streak up we became more and more confident as individuals and as a team. Together we got on well not only on court but also off court. I remember a time we went to the cinemas together as a group and unsurprisingly we went to the arcade after to play the basketball shootout game. We were all very competitive and my team m8 Anton set a new high score on the shootout challenge which was pretty much unbeatable. Our coach was Johnny who was a student at uni and we would often play fifa at his house, we then named his house the Arrows house as we would chill and have a laugh there.

It wasn't all fun and games though. There were times we had to knuckle down and train harder to keep our reputation up. The first game we lost was against Durham wild cats and we lossed by two points. This was a low point and such a small margin to loose buy. But that's basketball and through our coach and working together as a team we picked each other up and bounced back. we ended the season being second in our league which is a great achievement. We also made it to the playoffs to compete to win the conference championships.  This was a great experience and a privilege as many teams don't get this opportunity. We lost in the first round but we were all very proud and happy that we came this far.

Future Portent

I think the significance of this object for the future is that I will be continuing my basketball carer. I have a real passion for the sport and have played it most my life. I'm currently now playing for a mens side the 'Sheffield Saints' and we are winning the majority of games. I believe I will be playing basketball for long time in the future and university is just round the corner. University holds loads of opportunity to continue my basketball and continue to develop on my skills and fitness

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